由于系统迁移,所有用户的密码由系统随机重置,对此给您带来的不便我们深感歉意。包含随机密码的邮件已于今日(2023年7月10日)发送到您的登录邮箱中,(标题为【重要提示】您的思亚能源登陆密码已被重置),请您在使用新密码登录后尽快在’账户设置’中设置新密码。如您在此过程中需要任何帮助,请发送邮件至contact@sia-energy.com,或联系思亚团队成员王轲毅(电话:+86 13146820781 / 邮件:keyi.wang@sia-energy.com)。对您的理解表示衷心感谢!
All user passwords have been reset randomly,due to system migration. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. The email containing new password has been sent to your login email address (10 July 2023) (title:【IMPORT】Your password on SIA Energy website has been reset). Please log in with the new password and reset a new password in the ‘Account Setting’ section. Should you have any questions, please send an email to contact@sia-energy.com, or reach out to SIA colleague Keyi Wang at phone (+86 13146820781) / email (keyi.wang@sia-energy.com). Thank you for your understanding.